Tamil film star Vijay recently announced the launch of his political party, Tamilaga Vettri Kazhagam (TVK), and stated that they will not be contesting in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. A party meeting was held at Vijay’s Panaiyur office and it’s now revealed that the party flag and symbol will be released as soon as it has been approved by the Election Commission.

The has reportedly decided to divide the 234 constituencies in Tamil Nadu into 100 districts and give equal responsibilities across districts. The names of people who are appointed as the district-in-charge will be announced in the next 10 days. Once they are appointed, the TVK membership will be open to the public. An app for TVK will be launched soon and people can become members by filling up a membership form on the app.

TVK general secretary N Anand spoke to the office-bearers about the membership and in statement said, “As per the advice of our party president, membership camps are to be conducted across the state; district-wise and assembly constituency-wise strengthening of the grassroot infrastructure of Tamilaga Vettri Kazhagam. District and assembly constituency in-charges of the party in Tamil Nadu will also be appointed to coordinate with the women-led membership wing for carrying out the new membership drive.” The Tamil star-turned-politician is apparently targeting a membership of two crore people given that Tamil Nadu has a voting population of 6.2 crore. Anand slao said, “District and assembly constituency in-charges along with membership wing of the party shall undertake membership drive at district, municipal corporation, municipality, block, town panchayat, village unit and ward levels across Tamil Nadu. We must endeavour to ensure that the general public, including first-time and women voters, become active members of our party. The district and assembly constituency in-charges of our party are advised to collect and acquaint themselves with the latest voters list of the respective constituencies released by Election Commission of India.”