Actor Radhika Apte shared her harrowing experience at an airport where she and other passengers were locked inside the aerobridge after their flight was delayed. Radhika Apte did not disclose the city or airline involved but posted photos and videos on Instagram detailing the incident.
The ‘Sacred Games’ actor revealed that the flight, scheduled for 8:30 am, was still not boarded by 10:50 am. Passengers were placed in the aerobridge, which was then locked, leaving people, including those with small babies and elderly individuals, stranded for over an hour. The airline staff reportedly had no information, and security personnel refused to open the doors.
Apte expressed frustration at the lack of communication and revealed that passengers were told they would be stuck until at least noon. She criticized the airline for the inconvenience, citing the absence of water and restroom facilities for locked-in passengers. The actor claimed the airline staff attributed the delay to a crew change, and the new crew had not yet arrived.
Despite the ordeal, Radhika Apte managed to briefly escape and speak to staff outside, who insisted there was no issue or delay. The incident highlights the challenges and frustrations faced by air travelers when flights experience delays and communication breakdowns with airline staff.
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