The family of young spiritual influencer Abhinav Arora, popularly known as “Bal Sant Baba” to his followers, has taken legal action against seven YouTubers, accusing them of online harassment and anti-Hindu content. Abhinav’s mother, Jyoti Arora, filed a criminal case in Mathura’s court, alleging that these YouTubers trolled her 10-year-old son and mocked his religious beliefs in a video “maliciously designed” to defame him. The complaint cites the emotional distress caused to her son, who now feels unsafe practicing his religion openly.
The case filed by Abhinav’s family claims that the accused YouTubers have invaded his privacy, making it difficult for him to go about his daily life without fear. Abhinav Arora, who has garnered a following of over 9.5 lakh on Instagram, often shares content related to Hindu festivals, scripture recitations, and interactions with revered spiritual leaders. His videos, widely circulated online, have recently led to debates over his authenticity and spiritual credibility.
In a concerning development, Abhinav’s family reported receiving a death threat from Lawrence Bishnoi’s gang, a notorious group implicated in multiple criminal cases. Speaking to ANI, Jyoti Arora expressed distress, saying her son “has done nothing other than devotion” and questioning the intensity of the backlash against him.
The young influencer has been at the center of significant controversy after a video went viral showing him being reprimanded by Swami Rambhadracharya. Despite his growing online popularity, the incident has led to polarized opinions, with many questioning the child’s role as a religious influencer.
The family’s recent legal and public statements reflect their concerns over Abhinav’s safety and emotional well-being amidst escalating threats and scrutiny on social media.
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