The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) on Wednesday welcomed the special court’s direction to the ED not to take arrested party leader Sanjay Singh anywhere without informing the court. Addressing a press conference here, AAP MLA Dilip Pandey reiterated Singh’s claims that the Enforcement Directorate (ED) has some “ulterior motive”.
Pandey alleged there was an attempt to take the Rajya Sabha MP to an undisclosed location without the court’s knowledge. The special court here on Tuesday extended till October 13 the ED custody of Singh, arrested in a money laundering case related to alleged irregularities in the scrapped Delhi excise policy.
During the hearing, Singh had told the court, “They (ED) had some ulterior motive. I asked what happens if I am killed in an encounter, who will be responsible? They said they will be responsible. What’s the point of responsibility when I am dead. Again and again, I asked for the court’s order.”
The judge asked the ED why it wanted a written statement from Singh about his reluctance to leave its office. The central agency has rejected Singh’s allegations of any wrongdoing. The judge told ED, “You should not take him away without the court’s order”.