Saurabh Bhardwaj, AAP National Spokesperson on Monday said that Delhi police is shielding Kanjhawala accused BJP party leader, Manoj Mittal. Contrary to the Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) Harendra Singh’s statement, Bhardwaj also said that there are higher chances of rape of the victim.
Talking to the media, Bhardwaj said, “After the arrest of the accused, the DCP is speaking the language of the accused and is trying to defend the accused. Why haven’t the DCP and SHO been dismissed yet? The DCP is trying to intimidate journalists.”
Mocking DCP Harendra Singh, Bhardwaj said, “Police registered a case of 304 A (Death due to negligence), a weak section in which bail is available at the police station itself.” “DCP Harendra Singh says whether he (Mittal) has consumed alcohol or not, will be decided medically, but the girl is not raped, let us confirm this….” He quoted.
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