After Sukhpal Singh Khaira, a Congress MLA, was taken into custody in connection with a 2015 drug-related case, Aam Aadmi Party MP Sushil Gupta claimed that it was well known that the Congress lawmaker had engaged in the drug trade and that a proper investigation would now be carried out. A team from the Punjab Police raided Khaira’s home on Thursday early in the morning in connection with an old case that had been filed in 2015 in Jalalabad, Fazilka, under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act.

“The law will take its own course. It is well-known that Sukhpal Khaira ji indulged in the drug business. He kept getting protection from earlier governments. Now, a proper investigation will be conducted,” Sushil Gupta.

The AAP and Congress, who have joined forces to form the INDIA alliance at the center, are expected to experience further deterioration in their relationships as a result of Sukhpal Khaira’s arrest. Any partnership or seat-sharing agreement with the AAP in Punjab has been rejected by the state Congress organization. Senior Congress leader Partap Singh Bajwa responded to Khaira’s arrest by saying that the party stood firmly behind its leader.