On Monday, the Enforcement Directorate (ED) arrested Amanatullah Khan, an Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) Member of the Legislative Assembly, following a raid at his residence in Okhla, New Delhi. The arrest came after an extensive six-hour interrogation by the agency.

Khan took to social media earlier in the day to announce the arrival of ED officials at his home. In a post on X (formerly Twitter), he stated, “ED people have just arrived at my house to arrest me.”

In a video statement released on social media, Khan expressed his frustration and claimed that the ED’s actions were part of a prolonged harassment campaign. He alleged that the agency has been targeting him for the past two years. “It is seven in the morning, and the ED has come to arrest me in the name of a search warrant. My mother-in-law is ill with cancer and is currently at home. Despite my compliance and responses to all their notices, they have continuously harassed me. Their only aim is to break our party. We are not going to bow down, and we are not going to break,” Khan said in the video.

The arrest of Khan follows a series of high-profile investigations and raids by the ED, which has been scrutinizing various political figures and officials. The AAP has been vocal about its criticism of what it describes as politically motivated actions against its members.