The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) on Monday announced new appointments in its Delhi unit, including that of two secretaries and a joint secretary, besides those of office bearers to the party’s women wing. Mohammad Imran and Yashpal Singh were made state secretary (organisation) while Deepanshu Shrivastav was appointed joint secretary (organisation), according to lists issued by the AAP. The lists were signed by AAP national general secretary (organisation) Sandeep Pathak and its Delhi unit president, Gopal Rai. Suyog Rajbela has been appointed state secretary of the gramin wing of the Delhi AAP, according to the lists. Asha Malik, Dr Nasreen, and Madhu Juneja were appointed presidents of the AAP women’s district units of Sahdara, Babarpur, and Karawal Nagar, respectively. The party has also appointed functionaries in different district units of its women’s wing.
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