Geeta, who previously returned to India from Pakistan, has once again made headlines. On Tuesday, she arrived in Bhopal to take her class 8 exams at Raja Bhoj School, where she completed her first paper in Sanskrit. Now 33 years old and deaf-mute, Geeta has learned sign language. Her translator, Gajendra Prohit, told ANI that she aspires to become self-reliant and secure a government job.

Through her translator, Geeta said, “I want to become self-reliant and aspire to do a government job and become a senior-level officer. I have learned sign language also. I want to move ahead in life and become an inspiration for many.”

Describing her life as a struggle, Geeta mentioned that she is very poor and lives in a hut. She expressed her desire to progress in life through education and hopes to own her own house one day.

She added, “My mother is very poor and she lives in a hut. Therefore, my goal is to have a house, for which I started to study and I am continuously studying.”

Expressing her happiness after giving her first paper, Geeta said, “Today was my first paper and I was very excited. I studied hard and I believe that I will pass my exams… I am very excited to give my paper.”

Discussing her future plans, Geeta stated that she aims to complete her 10th and 12th grades, as well as her college education, to establish a place for herself in society. “I have given my class 8 exams. I will study for class 10 and 12th. And I will do a part-time job along with my studies. I also want to pursue college education.”

Expressing her faith in the government, she said, “I know I am older, but still, I will try my best to reach the highest level. It’s my dream to reach one of the highest positions in the government and I have full faith that the government will support me.”

Asserting that she wants to inspire and motivate people to move ahead in life, Geeta said, “If I can do so much despite being deaf and mute, then other people can also do that. I think that life should be meaningful and I feel that no matter if I am deaf and mute, I am not behind and the way a common person can move ahead, a deaf and mute person can also move forward. At least I can move forward in the field of studies and do something.”

She also remembered Sushma Swaraj and said, “I want to say that Sushma Swaraj was like a mother to me. I miss her a lot. Modi ji is a very good PM. I appeal to him to help me as I struggle with poverty in my life.”

Interestingly, due to the efforts of the late former External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj, Geeta, who is deaf and mute, returned to India from Pakistan on October 26, 2015. After her return, Geeta lived in Indore for about five years, during which time efforts were made to find her parents.

This year, the Madhya Pradesh State Open School Education Board is offering 33 other deaf and mute women, along with Geeta, the opportunity to take their exams. All necessary accommodations for disabled students, including Geeta, were provided during the examination. The Open School’s 8th-grade exams began on May 21 and will continue until May 28.