Top police official IG Bastar P Sundarraj announced on Wednesday that in an encounter with security forces in Chhattisgarh’s Bijapur district, up to six naxals have been killed. Sundarraj stated, “Six naxal bodies, including one female, have been recovered after an exchange of fire in the forest area near Chikurbatti-Pusbhaka jungle in Bijapur district.” The encounter occurred near Talperu river close to Chikurbatti area under Basaguda police station. Sundarraj, the IG of Bastar Range, mentioned that a joint team comprising CoBRA, CRPF’s 229th battalion, and DRG engaged in the gunfight with PLGA’s platoon-10 insurgents near Talperu river. He confirmed, “During search operations, the security personnel have recovered the bodies of six slain naxals, including one female cadre.” Arms, ammunition, and other daily use items were also seized during the search. The search operation is ongoing, and further details are awaited. The operation was conducted under the jurisdiction of Basaguda police station, involving Basaguda District Reserve Guard, CRPF 229, and CoBRA teams.
Additionally, on March 23, two jawans sustained injuries in an IED blast in Dantewada, a Naxal stronghold. The Superintendent of Police in the district reported, “The explosion occurred in the Kirandul police station area during an anti-Naxal operation.”
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