500 female college students from Sirsa, Haryana, petition PM Modi and CM Khattar alleging sexual harassment by a Chaudhary Devi Lal University professor. They demand his suspension and an inquiry by a retired High Court judge. Copies were sent to VC Dr. Ajmer Singh Malik, Governor Bandaru Dattatreya, Home Minister Anil Vij, NCW Chairperson Rekha Sharma, state officials, and select media.
The letter accuses the pro
Professor of engaging in “filthy and obscene acts,” including inappropriate behavior during office meetings, threatening consequences upon protest, and exploiting his political influence to evade accountability. They highlight the VC’s failure to address the issue and alleged offers of better grades to suppress allegations.
Dr. Rajesh Kumar Bansal, the university’s Registrar, confirmed receipt of the anonymous letter and mentioned ongoing police and university committee investigations, emphasizing the seriousness of the accusations. However, he noted the absence of names in the letter, urging fair investigations to avoid unjust character assassination.
While the Registrar mentioned providing CCTV footage to the police, the letter alleges the accused professor tampered with the footage. The students, fearing disgrace to their families, seek public opinion to pressurize the university for action and demand an inquiry led by a retired High Court judge.