In Thirupathur, Tamil Nadu, a Ferris wheel malfunctioned during the Aadi Perukku festival, causing panic and chaos among festival-goers. The 50-foot-tall Ferris wheel tilted to the left unexpectedly, leading to a frightening situation at the Subramania Swamy Temple in Pasilikudai, where thousands had gathered to celebrate the festival.
Aadi Perukku is a significant festival celebrated in Tamil Nadu, particularly in regions where the Cauvery River flows. This festival, which has been observed for generations, is dedicated to the river and is celebrated with great fanfare. Although traditionally celebrated in specific regions, the festival now sees participation from people across all districts of Tamil Nadu.
The incident occurred when the Ferris wheel, reportedly constructed illegally, malfunctioned mid-operation. Panic spread as the giant wheel began to tilt to the left, leaving those in its buckets in a state of fear. In response, police and security personnel quickly intervened, shutting down the ride and rescuing all trapped individuals.
Police deployed security personnel who scaled the wheel to ensure the safe rescue of all victims. Fortunately, there were no reported injuries. This incident echoes a similar event that happened recently at a Navratri carnival in West Delhi’s Narela, where a Ferris wheel also malfunctioned, leaving over 20 passengers stranded. In that case, swift action by the Delhi Fire Services ensured that all individuals were safely rescued without any casualties.
Atul Garg, the director of Delhi Fire Services, confirmed that fire tenders were dispatched to the site, successfully rescuing all individuals from the Ferris wheel. A Delhi Police officer mentioned that legal action would be taken against the organizers, and the incident is currently under investigation. The malfunction was attributed to a technical issue.
The Ferris wheel breakdown at the Aadi Perukku festival in Thirupathur highlights the importance of ensuring the safety and legality of amusement rides at public events. Thanks to the prompt response from authorities, a potentially tragic situation was averted, and all individuals were safely rescued. The incident serves as a reminder of the need for stringent safety checks and regulations to prevent such occurrences in the future.
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