In a tragic turn of events, 33 poll workers succumbed to heat-related conditions during the seventh phase of the Lok Sabha election held in Uttar Pradesh on Saturday. This phase covered 13 constituencies in the state. The announcement was made by the state’s Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) Navdeep Rinwa.

The casualties included home guards, sanitation workers, and other polling staff. The CEO also reported the death of a voter, Ram Badan Chauhan, at a booth in the Sikandarpur area of the Ballia Lok Sabha constituency. Chauhan collapsed while waiting at the polling booth and was later declared dead at a local health center.

District Magistrates have been instructed to submit detailed reports on the deaths of poll personnel in their respective constituencies. These reports will include autopsy results to confirm the causes of death.

CEO Rinwa stated that the families of the deceased poll personnel will receive ₹15 lakh in compensation as per the Election Commission’s directive. Additionally, a PAC constable, who was posted at Ramabai Ambedkar ground to guard EVMs, also passed away in Lucknow. JCP (Law and Order) Upendra Agarwal confirmed the constable’s death, noting that despite the availability of coolers and other facilities, the exact cause of death would be determined after a post-mortem examination.

The seventh phase of polling in Uttar Pradesh included the constituencies of Maharajganj, Gorakhpur, Kushinagar, Deoria, Bansgaon (SC), Ghosi, Salempur, Ballia, Ghazipur, Chandauli, Varanasi, Mirzapur, and Robertsganj (SC). The Election Commission deployed 1,08,349 personnel for duty during this phase.

This phase of the election has been marked by extreme weather conditions that led to death of 33 poll workers, posing significant challenges for those on duty. The authorities are now tasked with ensuring the safety and well-being of all personnel involved in the electoral process.