At least 22 trains are running late in Delhi due to fog, resulting in low visibility in the region on Sunday morning, Railway officials said. According to Indian Railways, Ajmer-Katra Pooja Express, Jammutawi Ajmer Express and Ferozpur-Seoni are running late by almost 6.30 hours while Khajuarao-Kurukshetra Express and Seoni-Ferozpur are running late by about 4 hours.
About 11 trains are delayed by about 1-1.30 hours including Puri-New Delhi Purushottam Express, Kanpur-New Delhi Shramshakti, Dibrugarh-New Delhi Rajdhani, Banglore-Nizamuddin, Rajendranagar-New Delhi Rajdhani and Saharsa-New Delhi Vaishali Express.As per the Railways, three trains, including Muzaffarpur-Anand Vihar Express, Chennai-New Delhi GT and Jammutawi-New Delhi Rajdhani, are running late by 2 hours.
However, the maximum temperatures recorded at various stations displayed a significant departure from the normal range for this time of year.
According to the India Meteorological Department, cold to severe cold conditions are likely to continue over Delhi, Punjab, Haryana, and Rajasthan during the next day and a significant decrease thereafter.Maximum temperatures are in the range of 9-12 degrees over many parts of Punjab and Haryana; and in the range of 13-16 degrees over north Rajasthan, Delhi, northwest Madhya Pradesh and some parts of Uttar Pradesh. It is below normal by 4-9 degrees over these areas.
Minimum temperatures are in the range of 6-15 degrees over Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana-Chandigarh-Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, northwest Madhya Pradesh, Bihar and Jharkhand. Today, the lowest minimum temperature of 2 degrees was reported at Sikar (East Rajasthan).
As per IMD, Northwest and Central India are likely to receive a fresh spell of rainfall with thunderstorms/hailstorms from January 8-10.