Actor-turned-BJP candidate Ravi Kishan defeated former Bhojpuri actress-turned-opposition INDIA joint bloc’s candidate Kajal Nishad with a margin of 103526 at UP’s Gorakhpur constituency on Tuesday.
Earlier, while interacting with reporters before the counting of vote, BJP candidate Ravi Kishan declared, that he’s confident of Narendra Modi’s return.
‘This is historic, Ram Rajya will continue. The biggest leader of the world is going to be the Prime Minister for the third time… People of the country have made the country win and placed their trust in PM Modi,’ said Ravi Kishan.
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About Gorakhpur Constituency
Meanwhile, Gorakhpur constituency is witnessing a three-way contest between BJP, INDIA Bloc and BSP this counting day.
Previously in 2019, BJP’s Ravi Kishan won the constituency with huge majority, defeating Samajwadi party’s candidate Rambhual Nishad, by over margin of 3,02,000 votes.
Also, in 2014 general election, BJP candidate and now chief minister Yogi Adityanath had managed to defeat Rajmati Nishad by a margin of 3,13,000 votes.
It remains to be seen, whether Ravi Kishan will secure its term for the second time or Samajwadi party will halt its tracks in Gorakhpur.
Currently, the counting of votes is ongoing.