Samajwadi Chief Akhilesh Yadav has accused district magistrates and police administrations belonging to various UP districts of illegal detention of opposition party workers, so they do not participate in vote counting on Monday.

Taking to X, Yadav said, “The honourable Supreme Court, the Election Chief @ECISVEEP @CEOUP and the Police Chief @dgpup @Uppolice should immediately take cognizance of the fact that in many districts of Uttar Pradesh, apart from Mirzapur, Aligarh, Kannauj, the District Magistrate and the Police Administration are illegally detaining the political workers of the opposition in their homes so that they cannot participate in the counting of votes tomorrow,”

While asking for their urgent release, Yadav has accused the ruling BJP government for alleged rigging of elections openly.

‘Everyone has the right to protect their vote, and this is even more so when a government is in power which has the audacity to rig the elections even in front of the cameras installed by the court. Such incidents should be stopped immediately, and people detained administratively should be released immediately.’ said Yadav.

Later, he also asked government to not allegedly indulge in unethical practices, that might trigger public anger.

He also hoped that biased DMs and administrative officers will be terminated immediately.

Meanwhile, the counting of Lok Sabha election has started from 8 am today.

Earlier, during a press conference on Monday, Chief Election Commissioner Rajiv Kumar applauded all the voters who participated in the Lok Sabha elections.

It remains to be seen whether the BJP-led NDA Alliance will secure a third term or if the INDIA Bloc will successfully interrupt the BJP’s streak of victories.