Heroin weighing 2.76 kg valued at Rs 13.8 crore has been seized by the Mizoram Police from the Aizawl district.

Meanwhile, at 11:45 pm Zonuam police outpost received the information on Monday night that unknown persons on the roadside along MZU road were suspected of contraband drugs being stashed away.

A senior officer of Mizoram police said, “Police party along with two civilian witnesses rushed to the spot. On conducting a thorough search in the area after midnight, a big sack containing 22 black polythene parcels was found hidden in the bushes about 12 meters down from the roadside. On checking, a total of 215 soap cases of heroin weighing 2.76 kg, valued at Rs 13.8 crore in the international market was recovered and seized.”

Moreover, under sections 21(c)/28/29 ND&PS Act at Vaivakawn Police Station, a case has been registered.

However, further investigations into the matter are underway.