On Tuesday, a tragic incident occurred in Bamhani village, Kabirdham district, Chhattisgarh, where a 15-year-old girl was chased and beaten to death by a 19-year-old named Vicky Kaushik. The attack was motivated by a personal vendetta Vicky had against the girl’s father.
The horrifying scene unfolded as the girl fled approximately 1 km from Vicky, pleading for help from bystanders, but no one intervened. Vicky, who had been waiting near the girl’s school with his friends, initially approached her with lewd comments, which she strongly rejected. He then armed himself with a stick and began his assault. Despite her desperate cries for help, witnesses stood by without intervening. Vicky eventually caught up with her and struck her on the head with the stick, causing severe injuries. The girl was rushed to the hospital but succumbed to her injuries during treatment. Vicky was later apprehended in the village.
According to the police, Vicky admitted that the attack was motivated by a previous altercation with the girl’s father. This tragic event follows a similar incident in June, where a young woman was fatally stabbed in a crowded market in Gaurela-Pendra-Marwahi district, also with no one stepping in to help.
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