After the Pune accident involving a 17-year-old boy driving a Porsche Taycan, another tragic incident occurred in Hebatpur, where a 17-year-old boy struck a 16-year-old girl while driving an SUV in Thaltej. The girl, identified as Diya Prajapati, a Class 10 student, was walking near her home in Sandipani Society when the speeding SUV hit her, causing severe injuries. Passersby took her to a private hospital, while the driver attempted to flee but was apprehended by the public.
The boy, who had just passed his Class 10 exams, was driving his father’s Fortuner SUV without a license due to his age. As of the latest update, the girl was in critical condition, and the police were yet to interview witnesses. The DCP traffic (west), Neeta Desai, confirmed that the N Division traffic police had filed a complaint but did not provide further details due to her busy schedule. The FIR was not uploaded to the Gujarat Police portal by late Friday night, leading to questions about the city traffic police’s actions.
A source revealed that the juvenile’s parents could not be located, but his relatives were contacted by the police. The boy has been detained by the N Division traffic police, who are still investigating the speed at which the SUV was traveling.
In a similar incident on May 19 in Pune, a 17-year-old boy driving a Porsche Taycan at over 200kmph hit a motorcycle, resulting in the deaths of two individuals. Subsequently, Pune police arrested the boy’s father and grandfather, suspecting an attempted cover-up.
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