In a troubling event in Balasore district, Odisha, about 100 students from Udayanarayan Nodal School in Sirapur village fell ill after consuming their midday meal on Thursday. The students, who had been served rice and curry, discovered a lizard in their food. Once the school administrators were informed, they promptly stopped the meal distribution and instructed the students not to eat any more of the food.
Despite this prompt action, many students experienced stomach aches and chest pain. They were quickly transported to the nearest community health clinic by ambulances and other available vehicles. A medical team arrived at the school to provide immediate care, but some students continued to suffer severe symptoms and began vomiting, necessitating further treatment at the clinic.
In response, the block education officer announced that a thorough investigation will be carried out, and legal action will be pursued against those responsible for the lapse in food safety.
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