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INDIA alliance is on a failed mission with a selfish vision

For centuries, our country has been a witness to alliances, the foundation of which have only been marred with self-interests. The historical references in our country evidently exhibits the traces of nefarious actions of groups and individuals within our country who have served ensuring only self-motivations. Unfortunately, catering to their corrupt motives, they have invariably […]

For centuries, our country has been a witness to alliances, the foundation of which have only been marred with self-interests. The historical references in our country evidently exhibits the traces of nefarious actions of groups and individuals within our country who have served ensuring only self-motivations. Unfortunately, catering to their corrupt motives, they have invariably sheltered themselves under the name of our own country INDIA. Be it the historical reference of East India Company or the Indian Mujahideen, Popular Front of India or any other such organisations, the motives have never been to enrich our country. In fact, they have only ensured disruption of peace and harmony within the country serving their own interests.
“INDIA”, an acronym for Indian National Developmental Inclusive Alliance, a directionless joint initiative of the Opposition in the country is the current trending alliance which reflects similar self-serving motives of those in the past. The only agenda of this alliance is to ensure creation of nuisance amidst a performing and glorious India under the efficient leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
The publicity strategists of this alliance may have given a good nomenclature for their unnatural alliance; however, the nation cannot be oblivious to their hounding pasts where in every given opportunity, they have only insulted the sanctity of the nation. The alliance’s first act is to disrupt and attack the temple of democracy for a reason which cannot be justified logically even by the protagonists of the respective outfits. Earlier with their respective political acronyms, they continued to obstruct the parliamentary proceedings and now coming together in the name of INDIA, they have ensured that the Parliament comes to a standstill even in this session.
The Congress and the Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) submitted notices seeking a no-confidence motion in the Lok Sabha against the Modi government on the Manipur issue which was accepted by the Speaker. If hypocrisy had to be personified, the current Opposition which has self-titled itself as INDIA would be the correct representation of it. The Opposition has consistently sought a discussion on the Manipur issue. Not only did the ruling party show willingness to discuss the same, Home Minister Amit Shah has gone on to stating on record that the government shall discuss the Manipur issue. However, the Opposition has been pressing their illogical demand of the Prime Minister addressing the issue.
Conventionally, the political outfits who are currently representing the Opposition benches have defied democracy within their own party. They have always shown their discomfort in accepting the logical practices. It is the Home Minister of the nation who shall be voicing the government’s stand on such issues of law and order. However, behaving ignorant to everything, they have been pressing on their irrational demands and are disturbing the proceedings of the Parliament. The Opposition needs to understand that by using the acronym INDIA, they cannot fool people even in their own constituencies. The people of India are capable enough to realize the hidden ill-natured motives of these political parties. By bringing the no-confidence motion, the Opposition parties have only shown that they want to waste the time of the Parliament with their ridiculous strategy to appear relevant in national politics. It is imperative to note here that those calling for a no-confidence motion have lost the confidence of the electorate, not once but twice in the polls. A rational approach would have been a humble appeal to the voters of this nation with logical appearances. Instead they chose to set a tone for the next general elections, again using the same old, irrelevant and futile strategies like those aiming to score brownie points.
The Parliament’s sanctity is always respected by Prime Minister Modi. His addresses in both the Houses have shown his invincible honesty as he speaks for the people of this nation. And on all such occasions, the Opposition parties have been tight-lipped as they have never had any response to the PM’s factual allegations on their corrupt and dynastic rule.
The government has been vocal on its stand of willingness to discuss the Manipur situation under Rule 176. Union Home Minister Amit Shah has officially told the Speaker and the Chairman that the government is ready for a discussion. However, Opposition members sloganeering and demanding that the Manipur situation be discussed suspending all business in the House under Rule 267 is nothing but their attempt to display their yet sceptical unity before the nation. Time and again they have shown their insincerity and lack of interest towards important parliamentary proceedings in some or the other way. It is important for these outfits to realize that such motivated tone for the general elections will yet again be challenged and eventually rejected by India as it is all in adulation of the government’s work under the governance of the PM Modi.
The recent relief from the Supreme court to Congress leader Rahul Gandhi is being projected as the relaunch of the united Opposition under his leadership. However, they are conveniently ignoring the remarks made by the Supreme Court suggesting Rahul Gandhi to make statements carefully. The nation has always been privy to their hypocritical response over the judiciary on respective occasions. India’s position post 2014 under the leadership of PM Modi is historic. And the general poll result is testimony to his acceptance amongst people of this nation. The leadership in the country has been predominantly focusing its approach towards people centric government policies in the last nine years, at the same time creating a robust and sustainable economy. Marked by the principles of Seva, Sushasan and Garib Kalyan, these last nine years, have been a privy to countless transformations encompassing all the sectors of the society. Consequently, India is now perceived to be cementing its position as one of the strongest countries in the world.
On one hand, when PM Modi is taking India to new and never in the past achieved heights, the iniquitous Opposition is steeping to new lows everyday by creating ruckus at every platform in every situation. The uproar created by the Opposition in Parliament causing a logjam only shows that these political outfits have regrouped and rebranded themselves with the same earlier motives. They have no understanding and clarity of any issue. They don’t have one policy for the development of the nation. This outfit lacks the commitment to serve the country with honesty. Their unanimity adheres to the single point agenda of being anti-Narendra Modi. The no confidence motion is nothing but a reflection of their adamant and irrational strategy of the same attempting to set a political tone.
While doing so, as usual they have been forgetful of the fact that these motives were rejected outright by the people of India in the past. Opposition must realise that their approach is no match to the fundamental philosophy outlined by the PM Modi of “Sabka Sath, Sabka Vishwas and Sabka Vishwas”. Under the leadership of PM Modi, India has finally explored its true potential of creating a developed and prosperous nation for generations to come. And this has happened with the Prime Minister’s vision and honest pro-people approach of governance. On other hand, the INDIA alliance is doing nothing but walking on an already failed mission without vision.

Vishwas Pathak is BJP State Coordinator and Co-Chief Spokesperson of Maharashtra.

