Around 250 kilo grammes of processed sea cucumbers were seized by Mandapam Police during a joint search operation from Vedalai next to Ramanathapuram District Mandapam. Mandapam Police received a tip from the District SP Special Unit Police that prohibited sea cucumbers were being smuggled to Sri Lanka. During the joint search operation, 250 kg of […]
Around 250 kilo grammes of processed sea cucumbers were seized by Mandapam Police during a joint search operation from Vedalai next to Ramanathapuram District Mandapam.
Mandapam Police received a tip from the District SP Special Unit Police that prohibited sea cucumbers were being smuggled to Sri Lanka. During the joint search operation, 250 kg of processed Sea cucumbers were found hidden in the South Street area.
The Sea cucumbers were handed over to the Mandapam forest department for further legal proceedings. Sea Cucumbers are essential for the marine ecosystem as they consume decomposing organic matter and convert it into recyclable nutrients for other marine life.