The Cannes Film Festival, one of the world’s most prestigious film festivals, commenced on May 14 in Cannes, France. Renowned for its diverse film screenings, stunning red carpet appearances, and the presence of dignitaries from around the globe, Cannes is a star-studded event. Each year, the best of the global film industries converge at Cannes, where films are handpicked for screening.

This year, India is participating in the film festival. Representatives from the Government of India, State Governments, and members of the film fraternity will attend Cannes. India is also hosting Bharat Parv at Cannes, providing a platform for the Indian film industry to engage in activities that promote Indian films on the world stage.

Chef Varun Totlani has curated the food menu at Bharat Parv, selecting a blend of regional flavors from across India to cater to international guests. The menu includes:

Starters: Makai Mathri, Puranpoli Tart, Prawn Ver Masala Tart, and Lal Mass Pao.

Main Course: Asparagus and Butternut Squash Moilee with fresh coconut milk, Mushroom Bhutwa with Potato Foam inspired by Uttarakhand cuisine, and Lamb Yakhni with a yogurt-based gravy, Kashmiri fennel, cardamom, served with morel miso rice and katlam.

Dinner: Jicama and coconut malai momo with passion fruit thukpa, Ponkha and Charred Corn Chaat, Khad Sweet Potato with Malabar Paratha, Khad Turbot with Malabar Paratha, Black Garlic Pulao with Fresh Toor Dal, and Kashmiri Morel for vegetarian guests. Non-vegetarian options include Black Garlic Pulao with Fresh Toor Dal and Lamb.

Dessert: Cacao, a dessert using all parts of the fruit served inside the aged shell, Melon Rabri with Roselle Sorbet with cacao.