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Five queer medical conditions that will leave you pondering

When you hear the word medical ailment, typhoid, jaundice, cancer, diabetes, etc come to your mind  but there are certain bizarre medical conditions that will leave you astounded. Here are five queer disorders entailed. Alice in Wonderland syndrome Alice in Wonderland syndrome (AIWS) is a neurological illness that affects a person’s perception of size. This […]

Medical condition
Medical condition

When you hear the word medical ailment, typhoid, jaundice, cancer, diabetes, etc come to your mind  but there are certain bizarre medical conditions that will leave you astounded. Here are five queer disorders entailed.

Alice in Wonderland syndrome

Alice in Wonderland syndrome (AIWS) is a neurological illness that affects a person’s perception of size. This is named after Lewis Caroll’s beloved stories in which Alice experiences both growth and shrinkage. It is also known as Todd’s syndrome or lilliputian hallucination, and people suffering may experience changes in their sense of self-image or their perception of their surroundings, causing them to believe that certain body parts or external objects are larger or smaller than they actually are.

Stoneman syndrome

Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP), also known as “stone man syndrome,” is a hereditary disorder in which muscle and connective tissue regenerate as bone in response to injury, slowly building a second skeleton and immobilising the affected person.The first sign of stone man syndrome is frequently deformed big toes, which is then followed by joint stiffness, immobility, and breathing problems.

Alien hand syndrome

Alien hand syndrome (AHS) is a rare form of motor dysfunction that is characterised by uncontrollable but intentional activity in one hand. For instance, a person with the syndrome might begin by buttoning their shirt with one hand while unbuttoning it with the other hand without realising it. The “alien hand” may become aggressive in severe cases; some patients have even stated that their out-of-control hand tries to suffocate them. People with the illness have been known to strike and slap themselves on occasion. Aliens’ leg phenomenon, sometimes known as involuntary movements in one of the legs, can occasionally occur in AHS patients.

Walking Corpse Syndrome

Walking corpse syndrome, also known as Cotard’s syndrome or Cotard’s delusion, is a mental ailment in which a person thinks they are missing body parts or have lost their soul, or even, at times, died. It was first identified in 1882 by the Parisian physician Dr. Jules Cotard. People with the condition may abstain from eating and drinking because they think they don’t need to because they don’t exist, and they frequently go to cemeteries as part of their daily activities to get closer to death. They might also fail to maintain their physical and personal hygiene.

Sleep paralysis

You awaken in the middle of the night with the conviction that a villainous figure is waiting for you. You try to move, but your body simply won’t cooperate. Your attempts to yell are ineffective. The monster approaches. Although it may sound like a scene from a horror film, you are actually suffering from sleep paralysis. Since the beginning of time, perhaps even before, individuals have been affected by this dreadful and enigmatic sleep illness called parasomnia.
