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In silence, I am able to see far into the future so that I can make sure that the decisions I make will not create too many bumps in the road. In Rajyoga, we have the wonderful practice of pausing every hour in what we call ‘Traffic control’, where we check inside to make sure […]

In silence, I am able to see far into the future so that I can make sure that the decisions I make will not create too many bumps in the road. In Rajyoga, we have the wonderful practice of pausing every hour in what we call ‘Traffic control’, where we check inside to make sure there is nothing going on inside that is not creating a sense of peace in the self, or am I serving my happiness? These are the most important 30-60 seconds we can spend with the self, on the hour, every hour.

Individuals who are not spiritually awakened yet make their decisions on where they are at right now, things they feel they need for their survival, food, shelter, clothing. But sometimes, when we turn on the switch of spiritual awakening, we want to feel at ease and pure at heart with everything we decide to do. When decisions are taken based on that awareness, the outcomes will be very different. We will still get food, shelter, and clothing, but the return of it at the soul level will be different.

Farsightedness seems to be connected with the power of intuition. Many people connect intuition with a psychic ability, but actually, it is connected with the purity of the soul’s personality. Where that intuition has a deep sense of self-trust, a deep connection to God, a connection with a deep awareness of experience and with faith., then in that energy there is something that is mystical, it is magical, it is automatic.

When a situation or circumstance appears in your life, and you have to make a decision, there are two places you can go. You can go just to the limit of your personality and ask yourself, will I lose money, will that person speak to me again, and so on. All that is fine, but also check the way your heart feels when you are going to make a decision that needs to serve farsightedness. If you have to make a decision and when you think about that decision your heart is racing, I would suggest, do not do it. Not right then and there; hold back a little. Because there is a struggle going on between the limited part of your personality, which means that there are certain things recorded in your subconscious that are making you uncertain. That energy has its own force, but the other part of us is innately intuitive. So, when a situation or circumstance comes and you need to make a decision and you want to be farsighted and you use that element of your personality and those qualities and values, then you feel a very free flow of that decision and it is guaranteed that all will be fine, the journey will be really smooth.

Each of us must decide, do I want an easy-going, free-flowing life or do I want drama? There is an art in this, and we need to also apply the power to discern. In essence, farsightedness is tapping into the power of our pure intuition. When we tune into our pure intuition for everything that we choose to do, we will find that the path is easy.

It is with the power of silence, in meditation, that I can access my deep innate sense of pure intuition.

Sister Jenna is the Director of the Brahma Kumaris Meditation Museums and is based in Maryland, USA.

