In a shocking incident, a female journalist was assaulted by a group of individuals involved in facilitating cheating at examination centres in Korangi, Karachi. The incident, which occurred amid ongoing matric exams, was captured on video and quickly went viral on social media, ARY News reported.

The video shows a group of people beating the woman journalist at a school in Korangi. Sindh Home Minister Ziaul Hassan Lanjar and Minister for Universities and Boards Muhammad Ali Malkani have demanded reports from the relevant officials.

In response, the Home Minister directed Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Korangi Hassan Sardar Khan to submit a report on the incident promptly. Following the video’s circulation, the police arrested three suspects, including the school owner, ARY News reported.

The matriculation exams in Karachi have been plagued by severe irregularities, including a lack of furniture for students and rampant open cheating. Examination papers were reportedly leaked ahead of the exams. Additionally, power outages have been reported in several examination centres, exacerbating the difficulties faced by students amid hot weather conditions.

The Board of Secondary Education Karachi (BSEK) is currently overseeing the annual examinations for classes 9 and 10, during which these issues have been highlighted.