Muhannad Hadi of Jordan has been appointed as the new Deputy Special Coordinator and Resident Coordinator for the Office of the United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process (UNSCO), according to a statement released today by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.

Guterres stated in a statement released by his office that Mr. Hadi will additionally function as the Humanitarian Coordinator. The Secretary-General is appreciative of James Eugene McGoldrick of Ireland for his commitment and service, as he steps down.

Mr. Hadi will further function as the Humanitarian Coordinator, according to a statement released by Guterres’ office. James Eugene McGoldrick of Ireland, for whose commitment and devotion the Secretary-General is thankful, is succeeded by him.

Mr. Hadi has been the Syria Crisis’ regional humanitarian coordinator since 2020. He brings with him over thirty years of vast international experience in development and humanitarian work.

Hadi’s previous positions included WFP Representative/Country Director in Syria (2009–2012), WFP Emergency Coordinator for the Syria Crisis (2012–2015), and Regional Director for the Middle East, North Africa, Central Asia, and Eastern Europe (2015–2020).

Since joining the International Committee of the Red Cross in 1990, Mr. Hadi has worked with the World Food Program in Iraq, Yemen, Sudan, Indonesia, Lebanon, Italy, Jordan, Egypt, and Syria.

He graduated from the University of Alabama in the United States with a Bachelor of Arts in Business Economics and from the University of Warwick in the United Kingdom with a Postgraduate Award in Management and Business Studies.