Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni found herself unexpectedly taken aback during a press conference on Thursday. A journalist asked a light-hearted, yet odd, question about ants in Rome. The question, which was posed amid a series of serious discussions, left Meloni laughing nervously as she tried to navigate the surprising query.
“Presidente lei calpesta le formiche, ci fa caso mentre cammina?” @GiorgiaMeloni #ConferenzaStampa— Virna (@Virna25marzo) January 9, 2025
The Ant Question That Stopped Meloni in Her Tracks
The journalist began by asking, “Do you step on ants? Do you pay attention when you walk?” He explained that the question was tied to a folk saying that suggests stepping on ants leads to rainfall. Meloni, clearly caught off guard, responded with a laugh, saying, “Do I walk on ants? Well, if I see them, no, I confess. But I don’t see them all the time. Is that the right answer? I don’t know, what can I say? I’m at a loss, guys.”
The unusual question quickly made the rounds on social media, drawing attention to the lighter moments in an otherwise serious political environment. After answering the question, Meloni swiftly moved on to the next one, which was about controversial comments made by Elon Musk regarding his political views.
Meloni Tackles More Serious Issues Post-Ant Question
Apart from the amusing ant inquiry, Meloni’s press conference focused on major topics, including her views on former U.S. President Donald Trump’s foreign policy ambitions. Meloni refuted concerns about Trump’s attempts to distance the U.S. from traditional European allies while pushing his “Make-America-Great-Again” agenda. This includes controversial remarks about potentially acquiring the Panama Canal and Greenland, as well as suggesting that Canada could become the 51st state of the U.S.
These remarks from Trump have raised alarm among European leaders, who fear that such proposals could destabilize international relations and harm long-standing alliances.