Amidst the ongoing diplomatic showdown between India & Canada, three Indian nationals Karan Brar (22) Kamalpreet Singh (22), and Karanpreet Singh (28) got arrested and charged on Friday last week for the killing of Hardeep Singh Nijjar.

These three Indian nationals were apprehended from Edmonton and were charged with first-degree murder and conspiracy to commit murder.

After the arrest, they were presented before Judge Delaram Jahani who questioned these suspects in brief. Later, both Brar and Karanpreet decided to appear again on May 21.

However, the court hasn’t decided on date for Kamaldeep Singh yet. And has sought a legal counsel as reported by Globe and Mail.

Later, all three of them, agreed for the proceedings in English, and each of them said that they understand the charges of first-degree murder and conspiracy to commit murder.

However, if they are found not guilty, they will still be deported by as per Canada’s supreme court’s ruling in September.

As under this ruling, the nine-judges unanimously ruled that foreign national could be deemed inadmissible to Canada on security grounds.

During the court proceedings, numerous Khalistani supporters gathered at the courthouse, with approximately 100 individuals displaying Khalistani flags outside the building. They also held posters supporting Sikh separatism.

This development happens after India has recently rejected a fresh comment made by prime Minister Justin Trudeau on the killing of Nijjar on Khalsa Day event in Toronto on Sunday.

Later the Indian side opined, that these remarks once again illustrate the space which is provided to separatism, extremism, and violence.

New Low Reached In India-Canada’s Relations

As for the Indo-Canada relationship, the relation came under the strain following allegations made by Justin Trudeau in September last year.

Who accused Indian agents of the killing of 45-year-old Hardeep Singh Nijjar. In response, India dismissed these allegations as “absurd and “motivated.”