The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has announced the CTET July 2024 results. Candidates who took the exam can check their results on using their roll numbers. A direct link to the CBSE CTET Result 2024 is provided on the website. Previously, the CTET results were released 8 days after the provisional answer key. The January exam took place on January 21, the answer key was released on February 7, and the results were declared on February 15.

This year, the exam was conducted on July 7, and the provisional answer key was released on July 24. The extended period for raising objections to the provisional answer key ended on July 27, with the result expected in the following days.

In the answer key notification, CBSE stated that if a challenge is accepted, meaning a mistake is identified by subject experts in the provisional answer key, a policy decision will be made, and the fee will be refunded.

The July exam was held at test centers in 136 cities across the country, conducted in two shifts – paper 2 from 9:30 am to 12 pm and paper 1 from 2 pm to 4:30 pm.

Steps to check CTET July 2024 result:

1. Go to

2. Open the CTET result link on the home page.

3. Enter your roll number in the login window.

4. Submit and view your result.

As with previous exams, marks sheets and certificates for the CTET July exam will be provided via DigiLocker. The board will create DigiLocker accounts for all candidates who appeared in the test, with login details shared on registered mobile numbers. The digital marks sheets and certificates will feature encrypted QR codes, which can be scanned and verified using the DigiLocker mobile app.

click here to download CBSE CTET Results 2024