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Creativity Is Absolute Godliness

The whole existence is intertwined in one rhythm. That one rhythm is what has knit the whole universe. That one order is the core algorithm – the code. If it was not knit in one code, the universe would have been fallen apart long ago. In fact, that-which-is keeps it together and that one order […]

The whole existence is intertwined in one rhythm. That one rhythm is what has knit the whole universe. That one order is the core algorithm – the code. If it was not knit in one code, the universe would have been fallen apart long ago. In fact, that-which-is keeps it together and that one order is the one truth around which all else pervades.

Science says that the earth is illusory because it is made of particles which are changing. Things in this universe seem to be together. But they are not. Things are moving. Particles that form all things around us and particles that create us are moving. Movement is life.

But even particles are also tied up to that which is. That which is the one order with which particles behave unpredictably and disorderly but not beyond that one order. Science has not been able to fathom that order. Science knows that there should be systems and formulae that must be moving the whole universe.

This universe is the creation of that order that is the eternal law. Creation breeds creativity. Everything is created in creativity. Creation is the ultimate creativity. In fact, creativity is the creation. Everything gets created new and creative.

We live hundred million miles away from the sun. The sun’s energy causes life of the earth. And the earth is moving around the sun and sun is rotating on its axis too. The earth is spinning on its axis too. At a certain angle from earth, moon is moving around the earth on its orbit adding stability like a rotor of the earth.

The Universe, the earth and the nature all are bound in one eternal order. On the earth new seeds are germinated and sprouted. That eternal order allows seeds to become big trees and flower. Every moment new particles are coming together to form new togetherness. New togetherness bring new groups to make new associations to make new things and the flow of life goes on. Science has found that every particle is also moving around an axis and has an orbit to follow.

The mystery is that new particles are coming together to have sex to change into something new. Creativity keeps bringing them together to breed anew. This is an infinite process and the universe is growing and growing infinitely. But one thing is amazing to know that no single particle on this earth is destroyable. It changes forms but is not destroyable. Science understands this phenomenon to the extent, but religion knew this phenomenon absolutely.

Science has looked at this phenomenon in isolation. Science cuts into pieces to reach the core to find out that which is intrinsically embedded in the core. But the more science has gone into the matter the more they confront the mystery. Particles are together. In togetherness they create the world. In togetherness the godliness of creativity makes them together again into new combinations of matter.

This whole universe the earth is the creative expression of godly creativity of that which is. The existence in itself is that intrinsic one order that is the truth. Creation is absolutely creative. Nothing wants to be something else. Nothing wants to be that which it is not. It is immensely innocent. We cognize innocence from our complexity because we are complex. Nature is not complex.

Creativity is all over the universe. Creativity is the code of life on earth. Life is creativity. Life breeds life by creativity. Life is immense creativity. Everyone is born different. You look at birds. Trees. Flowers. Animals. Humans. All are part of that creativity. Creativity is the intrinsic code of life.

Creativity brings us to life. Creativity is godliness. Listen to birdsongs. Look into the eyes of flowers. You think flowers don’t have eyes. Look at the godliness of trees. You might think trees may give you oxygen and wood therefore they are useful. Nature is simple creativity, simple innocence and gullible. Man is exploiting the nature. Man has become cunning. Thousand years of existence of man in society and civilizations invented slavery that has bred cunningness. Man is ready to sell your soul. You sell your soul to be cunning and clever to be successful in society.

Your society wants you to succeed. That success for society is what you think the real success is. There begins the dichotomy. Man has fought 10000 wars to be successful. All these wars have been attributed to the Gods of religions who have nothing to do with them.

The nature is one with you and you are part of it. The greatest discovery of science is well known to religion for ages. Religion exactly knows how one is born and how one dies. Science finds it a far cry. Everything on this earth is together. Things are inextricably-joined in togetherness. You can’t separate them. Science wants to understand them in separation because science is artificial knowledge, therefore, it cannot fathom the code. Religion looks at them in oneness. Society separates everything. Things are absolutely mystical. They are absolutely free from each other yet inextricably together and there is no cause of separation.

Hindus say ‘Kan Kan Mein Bhagwan’. Every particle whatever mankind has named neutron or quanta is living in that one godliness. Particles keep on changing behaviour and become new in togetherness. In that godly togetherness you incarnate into them and life begins. Godliness is absolute creativity and purity.

But Man is very cunning. The society that you have created is example of cleverness. Cleverness has penetrated every cell of your body. Seated on the seat of your being you deny your soul. Your basic nature is godliness which is innocence. The godliness is opposite to cunningness. Society says you have to be successful. What is being successful? To kill someone, to deceive someone, to become famous, to become wealthy-all such people who do such deceit are considered successful. This role model is the most unsuccessful model. It is considered successful.

Creativity is bred in godliness that is bred in simplicity. This existence is a great system that runs this universe not by deceit or cleverness. It is run by the ultimate eternal truth that is the order. There is no deviation there is no cunningness.

Every particle has as much godliness in as much in this whole existence. Society has invented the God. That is the trick. Being Buddha is not the trick. Being Buddha is the way of life and you are destined to be Buddha and not a poor Buddhist who has never seen a Buddha. Who is thinking about Buddha and priest is asking him to have a faith in God Buddha that he has to repose again every day. Buddha means the awakened one. Buddha attained to godliness of Buddhahood. Sadly society has invented the God of Buddhist in Buddha. Society creates Gods and then makes them holier and powerful than other Gods to breed faith.

Man lives in godliness that is creativity. Creativity comes out of godliness. Godliness is everywhere. Cunningness is nowhere beyond human society.

The author is a spiritual teacher and he can be contacted at arunavlokitta@gmail.com

