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Celebrate A Pet-Friendly Diwali: How To Keep Your Furry Friends Safe And Calm This Diwali

As we celebrate Diwali with lights and joy, it’s essential to consider how the festivities impact pets and animals in our shared spaces. Their heightened sensitivity to loud sounds and bright lights makes them vulnerable to stress, fear, and even injuries from firecrackers. Here are some animal-friendly ways to ensure a compassionate celebration this Diwali: […]

As we celebrate Diwali with lights and joy, it’s essential to consider how the festivities impact pets and animals in our shared spaces. Their heightened sensitivity to loud sounds and bright lights makes them vulnerable to stress, fear, and even injuries from firecrackers.

Here are some animal-friendly ways to ensure a compassionate celebration this Diwali:

Ensuring Comfort

Remember, the noise from firecrackers not only disturbs pets but also puts stray animals at risk. Opting for quieter festivities can create a safer environment. Closing doors and windows helps reduce noise pollution, but consider opening your garage to offer a safe space for stray animals. This simple act can keep them calm and make them feel included during the celebrations.

Ear & Paw Care

After taking pets outside, clean their paws to protect them from potential firework-related debris. Also, clean their fur, mouth, and eyes to eliminate pollutants. Investing in pet earmuffs or cotton earplugs, playing soft music, and staying close to your pets can reduce their anxiety. Comforting them with your presence and soothing words will help keep them at ease during the loud celebrations.

Safety with Lights

When decorating with oil lamps or electric lights, ensure they are placed out of reach of pets to avoid the risk of electric shocks or burns. Keep oil diyas in areas where pets can’t access them to prevent accidental injuries.

Time Your Walks

Adjust your pet’s walking routine to early morning or late at night to avoid the sudden noises or firework-related incidents. This helps ensure their comfort and safety.

Community Consideration

Limit the time of community gatherings and celebrations to minimize the stress caused to animals, and avoid bursting firecrackers near strays. A thoughtful approach like this benefits both animals and the environment.

Impactful Efforts

Before driving, check under parked cars, as stray animals may seek shelter from the noise. If your pet shows signs of extreme anxiety, consult a vet for advice. Avoid giving pets human sweets and instead offer them nutritious meals. Volunteering at animal shelters is another meaningful way to help during the festival.

By considering these measures, you can make Diwali more inclusive and peaceful for all, fostering a harmonious balance with nature and ensuring the safety of our furry and feathered companions.
