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Can Rahul Save Congress?

Last Sunday’s ‘Halla Bol’ rally was the start of the process to project the Gandhi family as very powerful and send a strong message to the Government that think twice before prosecuting members of the family on corruption charges.

Rahul Gandhi
Rahul Gandhi

The “Mehengai par halla Bol” (Atttack on price rise) rally at Delhi’s Ramlila Maidan on Sunday and the “Bharat Jodo yatra” that is likely to begin from 7 September are Rahul Gandhi’s last ditch attempts to save the Congress from falling apart. These are meant to project him as a victim of political vendetta and the only leader whom Congress workers trust to deliver. Likewise, his projected reluctance to become the Congress president is a sham because he is itching to play a bigger role at the national level which is not possible without being Congress president.  

The Sunday rally was, therefore, the start of the process to project the Gandhi family as very powerful and send a strong message to the Government that think twice before prosecuting members of the family on corruption charges. The focus on prise rise was missing and the entire rally had become the platform for hate Modi speeches and demonstrated the fear of Modi. It was not a criticism of the policy of this Government but had degenerated into ‘criticize Modi rally’.

“The BJP and the RSS are dividing the country, hatred is rising in India and the situation is benefiting two industrialists” were the theme offered at the rally. “The Modi Government is taking the country backward and if it has to go forward we have to end this atmosphere of fear”, he further added. And then he crossed the limit of civilized democratic behaviour by saying that major Government institutions and the “judiciary, the media and the Election Commission” are being pressured.

Statements such as pressure on media, judiciary and the Election Commission can come only from a person who has lost his sense of balance and is completely irresponsible. The same arguments can be used by common people to undermine the credibility of these institutions that have stood the test of time. Does Rahul Gandhi want chaos in society?

The same media published his criticisms at the rally and they publish innumerable unpleasant and biased stories on a daily basis. But the Indian media definitely has to act more responsibly than the New York Times which has left none in doubt about its unpleasant opinion about the Indian Prime Minister. One should never forget while criticising the Prime Minister that he represents the will of people of this country. A degree of civility is expected from those who aspire to hold the same post one day.

Modi has never asked media not to write against him and has always said that criticism of policies or fact based feedback from field would help the Government undertake course correction. But personal abuses and insinuations are not criticisms and falls in the realm outside journalism. Judiciary likewise is independent and has delivered justice. But Rahul Gandhi like NGO wallas want the Court to go against Modi and his policies on drop of a hat and follow the Congress agenda.

Rahul should know that he country knows he has angst against the judiciary for accepting a case against him and other Congress leaders in the National Herald Case because there is a prima facie case of corruption and corporate fraud. The ED summons to him about which he referred at the rally is outcome of his greed at making money from National Herald property illegally and also not paying taxes.

The rally, therefore, had nothing to do with price rise but was a Congress show of strength to deliver the twin message: One to the Government that do not dare to touch the powerful family or risk inviting ire of Congress supporters who swear by the Gandhis; and the other was to those Congress leaders who have walked out of the party or are speaking openly against Rahul Gandhi that the Congress was not dependent on them and the party can sail through without them.

Rahul Gandhi’s speech demonstrated his anger and hatred of the BJP and Prime Minister Narendra Modi. This appeared as if he was nursing his wounds. The only sensible statement on price rise was articulated when he tried to measure wheat flour in litre indicating once again that Rahul Gandhi is miles away from Indian realities. But for the gaffe where he said litre instead of Kilogram the observation would have made sense.

The rally tried to convince Congress workers even when they are convinced from inside about the family’s involvement in corruption that the actions against Rahul Gandhi and Sonia Gandhi in the National Herald Case were politically motivated and the family was paying the price of speaking against the Prime Minister. He wanted people to be blinded to the fact that actions are consequences of a judicial process.

Rahul did his best to tell them that he was not a culprit and was being politically persecuted: “Anyone be it activists or opposition leaders are attacked when they criticize this government. I was made to sit for 55 hrs at the ED office but want to tell the PM, I am not scared of your ED even if you make me sit for 500 hours.”

Rahul wants to intimidate the Government by threat of the “Rule of the mob” which he used while opposing some crucial decisions of the Modi Government including the farm laws. But he would be wrong to compare cases of corruption with such legislations. To defend corruption and to hit the streets to oppose action against corruption is unimaginable. Here Rahul Gandhi has gone completely wrong.

The same theme is going to reverberate in the proposed Bharat Jodo Yatra that is slated to begin from 7 September. In the garb of Bharat Jodo, he is trying to galvanize Congress workers who might have been depressed due to unprecedented political crisis at the top. When even veteran Congress leaders such as Ghulam Nabi Azad has left the Congress in utter disillusion what would happen to the lesser minions.

The real intention of the Gandhi scion in to try to arrest this decline and interact with most Congress workers before he takes over as party president through a due election process that would start in September. Nobody has any doubt that none other than Rahul Gandhi would become the President. The new process is to provide legitimacy to the takeover which is intended to stave away the criticism that the election was not democratic. It is most unlikely that anyone would seriously try to contest against him.

Bharat Jodo is, therefore, not about Bharta jodo but Congress jodo (unite Congress). This is the final attempt by Raul Gandhi to prevent the party from exploding further. There is no sign of political revival at the present and this has created a vacuum and benefitted lesser political outfits such as the Aam Aadmi Party.

The 3500 KM long yatra from Kashmir to Kanyakumari is to project Rahul Gandhi as the only unifying leader of the Congress. The yatra skips poll bound Gujarat knowing fully well that it is Modi’s citadel impossible to breach. The AAP is certain to cut into the votes of the Congress and give the BJP a much bigger mandate.

When the yatra would be still on, Congress poll managers would ensure that Rahul would be elected Congress president without contest. Rahul Gandhi then would bow to the wishes of Congress workers and take the leadership. All acts or show of reluctance to take over as party president is, therefore, a big sham. His taking over the party’s rein would be presented as a sacrifice. The family survives by images of sacrifice.

The Ramlila rally was, therefore, a way to set the agenda for the yatra. Raise issues of national importance and try to consolidate Congress supporters. The Congress is aware that it is difficult to wean away Modi supporters. So heap hate Modi speeches, show him as a man who is compromising country’s interest and project Rahul Gandhi as the only alternative.

This will not yield immediate political dividend since Modi is on strong wickets and has expanded the BJP’s support base many-fold. But this may lead to consolidation of Rahul Gandhi on the organisation. This would also mean dwarfing the hopes of the likes of Bihar chief minister Nitish Kumar and Telangana chief minister KC Rao.

