During the period from April 26 to May 25, X Corp, under the leadership of Elon Musk, has taken stringent actions against online abuse and terrorism-related content on its microblogging platform in India. According to their latest compliance report with the IT Rules, 2021, the company has banned 230,892 accounts, primarily for promoting child sexual exploitation and non-consensual nudity. Additionally, 967 accounts were removed for promoting terrorism.

The platform received a total of 17,580 user complaints from India during this period, with the majority concerning ban evasion, hateful conduct, sensitive adult content, and abuse/harassment. X Corp processed 76 grievances related to account suspensions but upheld all suspensions after review.

“We received 31 general queries about accounts during this reporting period,” the company stated.

This crackdown follows similar actions in the previous reporting period, where X Corp banned 184,241 accounts and took down 1,303 accounts for terrorism promotion between March 26 and April 25.

The measures underscore X Corp’s commitment to upholding user safety and compliance with regulatory standards amidst growing concerns over online safety and content moderation.