Vaibhav Maloo has had a career spanning a little less than 17 years and has spent a large portion of his life working to make Enso Group a success story. With its ups and downs, the group has created a modest niche for itself in energy, mining, healthcare and real estate. As a kid, his […]

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Vaibhav Maloo has had a career spanning a little less than 17 years and has spent a large portion of his life working to make Enso Group a success story. With its ups and downs, the group has created a modest niche for itself in energy, mining, healthcare and real estate. As a kid, his grandfather taught him how to sweep the floor and wash dishes, and today Vaibhav lives his life with similar values, that no work is too small. Little did he know, that when he went to the United States to study, he would discover that even the richest people in the country did that on their own.

Vaibhav always thought of himself as becoming a future business leader and doing it with national pride. Today, he is second in command in a multinational organization, that is family owned. He serves as the Managing Director of the group and has operational positions in the companies within it. Everyone evolves, and Vaibhav’s attitude and aptitude has taken a new direction owing to his diverse educational and living experiences in various countries like USA, UK and UAE, to handle Enso’s various offices or to get educated. He says, “living overseas makes one more patriotic and you feel like doing things to make your Nationality a better identity”.

Today, Enso Group is a multi-billion dollar enterprise and continues to grow. With the right targets and role models to give direction, combined with determination, grit and perseverance, one can achieve anything. These beliefs are what his father raised him with. His Jain upbringing and faith in the cosmos and karma gave him simplistic think. His vegetarian diet, providing him the necessary empathy and kindness.

Although he is Indian at heart, he believes that the world is too small, leave aside a Nation. There is beauty in diversity, both domestic and international. In a statement, Vaibhav said, ”Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vision for higher amounts of Make in India products and services is commendable and during the pandemic, Enso Group’s foray into Sputnik V and Sputnik Light vaccine manufacturing has helped in increasing Indian output in the pharmaceutical sector and we are glad we could play a small role in it.”

He is a fan of cricket and can’t get over cricket since the days of Sachin Tendulkar. His favourite world leaders are Narendra Modi from India, and Barack Obama globally. His favourite movie stars are Anil Kapoor and Shah Rukh Khan, former for Nayak and latter for Swades. He loves slow music, both Hindi and English. Vaibhav has had a fairly fun college life and now keeps those memories close to his heart, while aiming to build in Enso,”an institution one day that people make memories around”.

While Vaibhav was extremely motivated by business rankings and was inspired to see his company and father in Fortune or Forbes, now he loves the idea of having strong bottom line and a sustainable way of working, having let gone of valuation game.
