Investors who applied for Swiggy’s IPO can now check their allotment status. The IPO, which opened with a price band of Rs 371 to Rs 390, aimed to raise Rs 11,327 crore through a combination of a fresh share issue and an Offer for Sale (OFS). The allotment will be finalized on Monday, November 11.

The Swiggy IPO was subscribed 3.59 times overall as of November 8, with the retail category showing a moderate subscription of 1.14 times. Qualified institutional buyers (QIB) displayed strong interest at 6.02 times, while the non-institutional investor (NII) segment had a subscription rate of 0.41 times.

Investors can check their allotment status on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) website or through Link Intime India Private Ltd, the registrar for the IPO.

How to Check Allotment Status for Swiggy IPO

If you applied for the Swiggy IPO, you can follow these steps to check your allotment status:

Steps to Check Allotment via BSE Website

1. Visit the BSE website.
2. Select “Equity” as the issue type.
3. Choose “Swiggy Limited” from the drop-down list.
4. Enter your application number or PAN.
5. Click “Search” to view your allotment status.

Alternatively, you can visit the Link Intime India website and follow similar steps for allotment verification.