In his speech at the 7th India Mobile Congress, Sunil Bharti Mittal, the chairman of Bharti Enterprises and the creator of Bharti Airtel, disclosed a major technological advance for India. In front of an enthralled audience, Mittal said, “Our nation now has access to new technology. Satellite communication is now available to cover every square inch of the world, including our own country.” “With your intervention, we were able to get two rockets GSLV Mk 3 from ISRO to launch 72 satellites last year,” Mittal said, attributing this accomplishment to the productive partnership with the Indian Space Research Organization. He continued by introducing the revolutionary OneWeb constellation, in which Bharti is the largest stakeholder and is now positioned to service the entire country.
Starting next month, India will witness an unprecedented era of connectivity, as Mittal proudly announced, “Anybody anywhere in the country, however remote or far or in difficult areas, can be connected from our Satellite ground station that has been set up in Mehsana, Gujarat.”
This technological advancement in satellite communication promises to bridge the digital divide in India, connecting even the most isolated regions, fostering development, and transforming the way the nation communicates.
Mittal’s announcement marks a pivotal moment for India’s technological landscape, opening up a world of possibilities for connectivity, communication, and progress.
The Chairman of Bharti Enterprises also spoke about how India’s digital infrastructure can accelerate the World economy.
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