Shah Rukh Khan, fondly known as the “King of Bollywood,” has made a grand debut in the 2024 Hurun India Rich List with a remarkable net worth of Rs 7,300 crore. This milestone places him among the richest Indian actors, further solidifying his status as a financial powerhouse in the entertainment industry.

The Rise of SRK’s Wealth: KKR and Red Chillies Entertainment

SRK’s substantial wealth increase can be attributed to the rising value of his stake in the IPL team Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR) and his successful production house, Red Chillies Entertainment. These ventures have significantly contributed to his financial growth, allowing him to surpass several other Bollywood icons on the list.

Surpassing Bollywood Icons

With his entry into the Hurun India Rich List, Shah Rukh Khan has outpaced notable figures such as Juhi Chawla and family, Hrithik Roshan, Amitabh Bachchan, and Karan Johar. Juhi Chawla, who co-owns KKR with her husband Jay Mehta, has a net worth of Rs 4,600 crore. Hrithik Roshan, primarily earning from his fashion brand HRX, has a net worth of Rs 2,000 crore. Amitabh Bachchan’s wealth, built on various investments, stands at Rs 1,600 crore, while Karan Johar’s Dharma Productions contributes to his Rs 1,400 crore net worth.

King Khan Tops Social Media Rich List

In addition to his financial achievements, Shah Rukh Khan also dominates the social media landscape. He tops the Rich List for social media presence, boasting an impressive 44.1 million followers on Twitter, surpassing any other billionaire or celebrity on the list. Actor Hrithik Roshan follows in second place with 32.3 million Twitter followers.

A Record Year for the Hurun India Rich List

The 2024 Hurun India Rich List features a diverse range of wealth creators, from family-run businesses to startup founders and film stars. This year, the list includes a record 1,539 entrants, showcasing the dynamic growth of India’s economy and the increasing wealth of its top earners.