Mukesh Ambani’s children, Isha, Akash, and Anant, were named to the board of his energy-to-technology conglomerate Reliance Industries Ltd on Monday, paving the way for succession planning at India’s most valuable company.

Reliance’s board of directors met ahead of the company’s annual general meeting to ratify the appointment of twins Isha and Akash, as well as Anant, as “non-executive directors of the company,” according to a stock exchange filing.

Reliance’s board of directors met ahead of the company’s annual general meeting to ratify the appointment of twins Isha and Akash, as well as Anant, as “non-executive directors of the company,” according to a stock exchange filing.

Last year, the 66-year-old tycoon made way for his first-born son, Akash Ambani, to become chairman of Reliance Jio Infocomm Ltd, India’s largest mobile carrier.

Ambani, on the other hand, remained the chairman of Jio Platforms, the company that owns Reliance Jio Infocomm. Akash’s twin sister, Isha, 31, was chosen for Reliance’s retail branch, while the youngest sibling, Anant, was chosen for the new energy sector.