At the ninth iteration of its annual India-specific event, “Google for India 2023,” Alphabet Inc. announced on Thursday that it would produce its Pixel smartphones in India. According to Rick Osterloh, senior vice president of devices and services at Google, the devices, starting with the Pixel 8, are anticipated to start appearing in markets in 2014. “Rick Osterloh @rosterloh spoke about our plan to manufacture Pixel smartphones in India, intending to start with the Pixel 8, and expecting to start rolling out these devices in 2024, joining India’s “Make in India” initiative. This was just announced at #GoogleForIndia. Google shared on X, “For more: #Pixel8.”

“India is a priority market for Pixel smartphones and we are committed to bringing the best Google’s hardware and software experiences to the country,” Osterloh said.
The company will start manufacturing in India and will partner with domestic and international manufacturers to produce Pixel phones locally.
This endeavour aligns with Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s “Make in India” initiative.
“We shared plans at #GoogleforIndia to manufacture Pixel smartphones locally and expect the first devices to roll out in 2024. We’re committed to being a trusted partner in India’s digital growth- appreciate the support for Make In India @PMOIndia+ MEIT Minister @AshwiniVaishnaw,” Sundar Pichai, CEO, Google and Alphabet posted on X.