The Delhi High Court has instructed BharatPe co-founder Ashneer Grover and his wife Madhuri Jain Grover to provide a security deposit of Rs. 80 crore before they travel to the US. The court specified that this security should be in the form of a property. Additionally, the court directed the couple to submit their Emirates Card with the court to ensure they do not visit the United Arab Emirates (UAE) as they possess a “golden visa”.
The couple has been permitted to travel to the US separately for their children’s summer school after the court requested the Economic Offences Wing to outline the conditions of their travel. They are required to share details such as their stay, hotel, travel plans, and phone numbers with the court and investigating agencies.
Furthermore, the court has instructed the couple not to create any third-party rights on the BharatPe shares they hold. Ashneer Grover is scheduled to depart for the US on May 26 and return on June 14, while his wife will travel on June 15 and return on July 1.
Previously, the EOW had opposed the travel request of the couple, citing their overseas properties and the risk of them fleeing. The couple is accused of committing a Rs. 81 crore fraud at the fintech firm.
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