Andhra Pradesh’s Finance Minister Payyavula Keshav presented the state’s budget for the 2024-25 fiscal year, with a total expenditure of Rs2,94,427.25 crore. The budget reflects the state’s vision of “Swarna Andhra@2047” and includes measures aimed at addressing past challenges while promoting inclusive growth.

The budget outlines Rs2,35,916.99 crore for revenue expenditure and Rs32,712.84 crore for capital expenditure. The projected deficits for the fiscal year include a revenue deficit of Rs34,743.38 crore and a fiscal deficit of Rs68,742.65 crore, amounting to 4.19 percent of the Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP).

Agriculture and Infrastructure Investments

The government allocated Rs11,855 crore to agriculture and allied sectors, emphasizing its commitment to rural development and food security. The Water Resources Department received Rs16,705 crore, while Rs9,554 crore was earmarked for Transport, Roads, and Buildings, including funds for disaster mitigation and response.

To promote workforce readiness, Rs1,215 crore was allocated to the Department of Skill Development and Training. Additionally, the Industries and Commerce Department is set to receive Rs3,127 crore, while Rs8,207 crore was allocated to the Energy Department to bolster energy infrastructure.

The Department of Environment, Forest, Science, and Technology was allocated Rs687 crore, underscoring a balanced focus on environmental sustainability and innovation.

Social Welfare and Inclusivity

The NTR Bharosa Pension Scheme has been increased, now ranging from Rs4,000 to Rs15,000 per month, benefiting 64.38 lakh pensioners with Rs15,218 crore disbursed since June 2024. The government also streamlined educational benefits by directly disbursing Post Matric Scholarships to colleges, easing administrative challenges for students. Phased reimbursements for pending fees from previous administrations are also planned for vulnerable communities.

Substantial allocations have been made for marginalized groups, including Rs18,497 crore for the SC component, Rs7,557 crore for the ST component, Rs39,007 crore for the BC component, and Rs4,376 crore for minority welfare. Additionally, Rs4,285 crore has been set aside for the welfare of women, children, differently abled individuals, and senior citizens.

The budget emphasizes human capital with Rs29,909 crore for the School Education Department and Rs2,326 crore for Higher Education. The Department of Health, Medical, and Family Welfare was allocated Rs18,421 crore to support public health initiatives.

Allocations for rural and urban development include Rs16,739 crore for Panchayat Raj and Rural Development, Rs11,490 crore for Municipal Administration and Urban Development, and Rs4,012 crore for the Housing Department to support safe and affordable housing.

Minister Keshav highlighted the government’s commitment to economic growth, inclusivity, and sustainable development, setting the stage for a transformative year ahead for Andhra Pradesh.