On Wednesday evening, an image of Elon Musk giving a Nazi-style straight-arm salute alongside the words “Heil Tesla” was beamed onto the Tesla Gigafactory in Grunheide, close to Berlin. Canada’s Global Television Network credited the projection to Led By Donkeys, an activist group based in the United Kingdom, as well as Centre for Political Beauty of Germany.

Intended as a criticism of Musk and Tesla, the projection was posted to Instagram with the title “Berlin Tesla Gigafactory. #LedByDonkeys.” The act has set off major reaction.” An inquiry was started by the news source to uncover the facts of the event, although the Brandenburg police at first denied it.

One of Europe‘s main production centers for the company, Tesla Gigafactory has sometimes beenunder attack for its environmental effects and business procedures. This forecast has served to fan the current scrutiny.

The video of the projection gathered fast mixed responses, with some backing the message and others deeming it abrasive and offensive. Given that the occurrence could be covered by German laws banning Nazi signs and gestures, the case has been turned over to the public prosecutor&’s office in Frankfurt (East).

Germany absolutely prohibits public showing of the Nazi salute, swasta-ikas, or slogans like “Heil Hitler,” even when modified as “Heil Tesla,” according to the national daily paper of Spain, Marca. Such actions might lead in fines or a prison sentence of up to three years.

This kind of advocacy is the most recent in a line of controversies concerning Tesla and its founder, Elon Musk. Police are still investigating to find the complete nature of the projection.