In the latest episode of Kaun Banega Crorepati Season 16, hosted by Bollywood legend Amitabh Bachchan, viewers were treated to a rare glimpse into the actor’s younger days, including his college life and love story with his wife, Jaya Bachchan. As Bachchan engaged with contestant Kajol Ved from Delhi, the conversation took a nostalgic turn, revealing stories from his “jawani ka zamana” (youthful days).
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The episode kicked off with Bachchan asking Kajol how she would spend her winnings if she became a “superhero Dhanrashi.” Kajol expressed her preference for markets over malls, prompting Bachchan to fondly recall the time he spent in some of Delhi’s most famous spots like Sarojini Market, Chandni Chowk, and Bengali Market.
Kajol, curious about Bachchan’s connection to Delhi, asked if he used to visit the South Campus during his youth. With a smile, Bachchan responded, “Devi Ji, now I’m married and have grandchildren. Those were youthful days. What can I tell you about that? If I do, all my secrets will be revealed.”
As the conversation continued, Bachchan shared that during his college years, he frequented Sarojini Market but admitted that he never engaged in bargaining. He also reminisced about visiting Miranda House, a well-known women’s college, before heading to his own college.
The exchange between Bachchan and Kajol grew even more lighthearted when she inquired about how he addressed Jaya Bachchan before they were married. With a grin, Bachchan replied, “I used to call her by her name.” He then elaborated on their love story, revealing that they had a mutual friend group where they often met and spent time together. Their romance blossomed during this period, with the couple deciding to do something special if Amitabh’s film Zanjeer turned out to be a success.
The episode was filled with laughter and warmth as Amitabh Bachchan candidly shared personal stories, much to the delight of the audience and the contestant. Kaun Banega Crorepati continues to be a platform where the Bollywood icon not only quizzes participants but also shares pieces of his illustrious life with fans.