After five months of meticulously planned celebrations, Anant Ambani, heir to Reliance, married Radhika Merchant, heiress of Encore Healthcare, The Ambani wedding has been described as one of the grandest wedding in Mumbai. Throughout the extensive pre-wedding festivities and two-week-long wedding rituals, a recurring theme has been the Ambani family’s unmatched ability to host extravagant events. Known for their generosity, guests must wonder how they can reciprocate such lavish hospitality. Curious about what gifts high-profile celebrities and public figures have brought to these celebrations? Read on for insights!
The wedding celebrations underscore a clear message: the Ambanis possess the ability to fulfill any desire they have. However, regardless of their status, blessings remain a cherished and invaluable gift. According to reliable sources close to the family, guests typically present statues or paintings of religious deities as a customary gesture.
Confirming one gift Anant and Radhika received without a doubt: plants from Jackie Shroff!
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