Hollywood star Cameron Diaz and American musician Benji Madden have been happily married for eight years. The two met at a party the actor threw at his apartment in May 2014. A few months later, in December 2014, the couple confirmed their engagement. A month later in January, Cameron and Benji exchanged vows at a Jewish wedding. They had a daughter via surrogate in 2019. However, they announced the big news in January 2020.

Announcing the birth of her daughter, Benji Madden wrote, “We are so happy, blessed and grateful to start this new decade by announcing the birth of our daughter, Raddix Madden. She captured our hearts and added to our family in an instant.” However, the post was later deleted.

Even after a happy marriage, Diaz surely enjoys her private space, this came to light after she vouched for “normalizing separate bedrooms.” People magazine reported that Cameron Diaz, speaking to Yes Man stars Molly Sims and Emese Gormley on the latest episode of their podcast Lipstick on the Rim, said: “We should normalize separate bedrooms.”

Diaz said this when one of the women joked that her husband snores. The Charlie’s Angels actor added to the same, saying, “For me, I’d like, I have my house, you have yours. We have a family house in the middle. I want to go to sleep in my room. Go to your room and sleep. I am fine and we have a bedroom in the middle where we can gather for our relationships. because my husband is so amazing. I said that before we got married.”

Earlier, this year Cameron Diaz and Benji Maddens celebrated 8 years of togetherness. Benji wished his better half through a special note on Instagram. Sharing a picture of a sketch Benji wrote, “In Love, Inspired, Happy and Grateful. 8 years married, side by side, and now a little one for us to guide, let’s do 80 more and then forever… Happy anniversary Cameron Diaz.

This year Cameron and Benji celebrated their 8 years of togetherness. Benji also posted a heartwarming wish to his wife on Instagram. He shared a picture of a sketch with a note in the caption. The note read, “In Love, Inspired, Happy and Grateful. 8 years married, side by side, and now a little one for us to guide, let’s do 80 more and then forever… Happy anniversary Cameron Diaz.”