Indian actor Allu Arjun has stepped up to support the relief efforts in Wayanad, Kerala, following the devastating landslides that struck the region. In a heartfelt gesture, the star announced a donation of ₹25 lakh to the Kerala Chief Minister’s Relief Fund to aid in the ongoing rehabilitation work.

Taking to Instagram and X on Sunday morning, Allu Arjun shared a message expressing his sorrow over the tragedy and his commitment to helping the affected community. His statement read, “I am deeply saddened by the recent landslide in Wayanad. Kerala has always given me so much love, and I want to do my bit by donating ₹25 lakh to the Kerala CM Relief Fund to support the rehabilitation work. Praying for your safety and strength.” His post’s caption echoed his concern: “Praying for the safety and strength of the people of Kerala.”

Allu Arjun’s donation adds to a growing list of contributions from celebrities in response to the disaster. In recent days, notable figures such as actors Suriya, Vikram, Mammootty, Dulquer Salmaan, Fahadh Faasil, Nazriya, Nayanthara, and filmmaker Vignesh Shivan have also made significant donations to the Kerala CM’s Distress Relief Fund.

Additionally, Mohanlal visited Wayanad in army uniform on Saturday and pledged ₹3 crore for the region’s rehabilitation efforts. Speaking to the media, Mohanlal said, “The magnitude of the landslide can only be comprehended by witnessing it first-hand. The army, the navy, the air force, the NDRF, the Fire and Rescue, the other organisations, locals etc. who all are part of the rescue operations have done a wonderful job.”

The landslides, which occurred around July 30, have resulted in the tragic loss of over 300 lives, with more than 200 individuals still missing. The heavy rains and subsequent landslides have caused extensive damage, prompting a large-scale relief operation across the affected areas.