Shehnaaz Gill recently attended a Dahi Handi celebration, where she was seen wearing a simple red anarkali outfit and no makeup. During the event, videos showed her meeting fans and energetically dancing to “Zingaat” from the movie Dhadak, which stars Janhvi Kapoor and Ishaan Khatter. Shehnaaz’s outfit was a sindoori red anarkali suit, which included a kurta, matching pants, and a net embroidered dupatta draped over her shoulders. The kurta featured a V neckline, full-length sleeves, gold gota patti embroidery, and a flowing silhouette, while the pants had a flared fit.
The paparazzi shared clips of Shehnaaz from the celebration on Instagram, where she was seen posing for photos, interacting with fans, and dancing. Her performance was well-received, and fans praised her online. One user commented, “Shehnaaz, you beauty.” Another said, “Mashaallah! She is gorgeous.” A third fan referred to her as “Queen.”
Shehnaaz Gill gained popularity through her participation in Bigg Boss 13, where her humble attitude earned her widespread admiration. She became a well-known figure during the show, which was won by the late Sidharth Shukla. Since then, she has appeared in several Punjabi and Bollywood films.
Shehnaaz made her Bollywood debut in Salman Khan’s film *Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan*. Her most recent film appearance was in *Thank You For Coming*, directed by Anil Kapoor and Rhea Kapoor.
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