On the occasion of Raksha Bandhan, actor Sanjay Dutt shared heartfelt wishes for his sisters, Priya and Namrata Dutt, on Instagram. In his post, he expressed gratitude for their constant support and love. He wrote, “Having you both by my side fills me with so much happiness. Thank you for being my constant support, Priya and Anju. Love you both immensely! Wishing you a Happy Raksha Bandhan.”
Sanjay also shared some lovely photos with his sisters. The three siblings are the children of legendary actors Sunil Dutt and Nargis.
In terms of work, Sanjay Dutt was recently seen in the film Ghudchadi, alongside Raveena Tandon, Parth Samthaan, and Khushalii Kumar. He also appeared in Double iSmart, a sequel to the 2019 hit iSmart Shankar. Next, he will be featured in the multi-starrer Welcome 3, set to release on December 20, 2024.
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