In a dazzling prelude to Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant’s upcoming wedding, the Ambani family hosted a lavish sangeet ceremony on Friday. The highlight of the evening was a heartwarming video featuring Nita and Mukesh Ambani with their four grandchildren. Prithvi, Aadiya, Krishna, and Veda were seen joyfully miming to the classic song “Chakke Mein Chakka” from the 1968 film Brahmachari, with Mukesh Ambani driving an antique open-top car. The children added to the festive atmosphere by playing with balloons.
#WATCH | Nita and Mukesh Ambani and their grandchildren Prithvi, Aadiya, Krishna and Veda set the tone for the Sangeet celebrations of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant.
Related News— ANI (@ANI) July 6, 2024
Among Mukesh and Nita Ambani’s grandchildren are Prithvi and Veda, the children of Akash Ambani and Shloka Mehta, and Krishna and Aadiya, twins of Isha Ambani and Anand Piramal.
The sangeet celebration also highlighted Radhika Merchant’s elegant style. She captivated attendees in an ensemble inspired by a chandelier, featuring soft pastel tones. Anant Ambani looked resplendent in a gold outfit designed by Abu Jani Sandeep Khosla.
Radhika Merchant’s attire included a light, multi-paneled tissue skirt adorned with intricate Swarovski crystals. She wore an off-shoulder crystal statement blouse, complemented by a draped dupatta around her arm, completing her regal look.
The grandeur of the Ambani sangeet, filled with music, laughter, and cultural richness, set the stage for what promises to be a memorable union between Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant.